Sunday, September 7, 2008

Quest for exercise

Yes, I am now on a quest for exercise. I'm not talking about exercising more, heaven forbid. OK, maybe a tad more. Truth is, I hate exercising. But I'm pretty faithful to lifting. Thank the stars above for BodyPump class at Gold's otherwise I would never lift.
I hate to lift on my own. The class is choreographed AND with music, and the instructors come around and fix your form. BUT I digress... I REALLY hate cardio. I loathe it. I detest it. get the picture. I was yapping with Ali the other day about my cardio loathing problem. My new slogan in life is "I'm tired of doing things I don't want to do." Whenever I say this Ali and Sarah roll their eyes, look at each other and say, "When has Mer EVER done something she doesn't wanna do?"
I eat my vegetables, clean my bathroom, pay my bills, and go to the dentist, so I've been known to do things I don't wanna do. But my goal is to find some form of cardio exercise that I don't MIND, not ENJOY. Because really? I'm not shooting that high. I'll settle for cardio I don't particularly mind, but am not holding out for cardio that I enjoy. I'm a realist. I don't think that type of cardio exists for me.
So, here's my short list of things I'm gonna try:
1. Cycling
2. Swimming

Here's what I've tried that really doesn't do it for me:
1. Hiking ( I know, I live out here in Utah and I don't really love to hike)
2. Running(I did run the 5 Mile Canyonlands Run in March and well... you know)
3. Rock climbing
4. Cross Country Skiing( I REALLY hated this, just ask Ali & Sarah)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I gotta find a job with less stress...

OK, it's not a good sign when you come home from work and want to sink into a coma. And then, you figure out it takes 3 hours for you to relax after coming home from work. Anyone else have this problem? So after I finally get my heartbeat down after 3 hours, I start to correct the huge pile of papers I brought home with me. In the meantime, I'm worrying about how I'm going to get my students to actually listen to me while I give instructions. Is there another job I could do that pays comparably? And utilizes my educational background? Is this too much to ask? (sigh)