I have fallen in love with a website called paperbackswap.com. You know how much I LOVE to read, so when I discovered this website I almost died and went to book heaven. People post books that they would be willing to part with and never see again, me included. You find a book you want, request it, and it magically appears in your mailbox in 7-10 days. Yes, there are some highly requested books that you might not be able get so immediately, but the overall effect is FABULOUS!!! I've tried some new books, like The Spellman Files. Discovered some new authors, like Sarah Addison Allen. And, read some major duds, like The Shack.
For the record, I HATED that book. The part that pushed me over the edge was when God tells the main character that Adam screwed up down here and so God had to send Christ to clean everything up. I don't remember throwing the book, but I think I set it down firmly in disgust. Blech!
I have been able to find books for my classroom that I use in teaching traits of writing. And just for fun-sies too. If you get on the website, my name is phoneisringing on there. For the record, the ringtone on my phone lately has been the Wonder Pets Theme Song (thank you Paytyn!).
Another website I have used a TON lately is GoodReads.com. I'm trying to read more, instead of falling into a coma when I get home every day from school. You link up with your friends, review books you've read, and get ideas for books to read.
Dissonance and Ascension: 2024's Greatest Hits
3 weeks ago
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