Saturday, August 23, 2008

I love Skype!

I don't know how many people use webcams regularly, but I am becoming one of them. My family lives approximately 2,000 miles away from me and I don't get to see them all that often. Yes, I do live away from my family for a reason, but I am also missing out on watching my nieces and nephew grow up. My folks introduced me to Skype recently. Mom has an iMac with a camera built into her screen, but all I have is my laptop with a built in camera. I'd been looking around for an affordable webcam, with the cheapest being about $30, with fairly good ones around $50. Being the poor school teacher that I am, I was looking for the best bargain I could find. By happenstance one Saturday morning on my way to DI, I stopped by Yours Mine and Ours here in Bountiful for their %50 off sale. Lo and behold, there was a brand new webcam, still in the box, for the low low price of $5.50. I figured that was a rock bottom price, the software was still in the box, and I could afford to spend $5.50 to find out if it worked. Imagine my surprise when I got up to the counter and discovered that it was only $2.75 with the %50 off.
End of story? I have a $3 webcam that works AND I get to see my family more often. Who knew?
I had a pretty horrible day on Thursday. I cut my finger on the paper slicer at work, broke a friend's spiral binder, skinned another finger, and was still nursing a sore scalp from where my hair got wrapped around the wheels of the shop cart while I was changing my oil. It had been a long day and I was SUPER frustrated. I headed back to school around 6 p.m. ( 8 p.m. Eastern) and spent another couple of hours of preparing my classroom. Imagine my relief at being able to chat with my parents, sister-in-law, Owen(my 4 year old nephew), Aspen(my 7 year old niece), and Paytyn(my 3 month old and 15 lb niece). It was like a balm for my soul. And they got to see my classroom. Owen thinks Auntie Mer's classroom is an awesome place because she has a sandbox! That kid would stay for hours to play if he could.


Jody said...

Ok, so I know this post is from a couple weeks ago...but seriously...a $3 webcam?? That is truly an amazing feat. And, yes, I agree, Skype is awesome. Now if only I was allowed to use it...